
Learning & Development

The UofG supports Staff and Faculty success. We demonstrate this through our commitment to developing their talents and contributing to the fulfillment of their professional goals through learning, development and inter-professional growth opportunities.

  • Learning & Development Calendar

    The University’s Human Resources Learning and Development team is committed to offering high-quality, relevant, and engaging programming in a supportive environment, virtually and in person, that encourages dialogue, connection, reflection and action.  Learning topics are selected based on research that identifies critical skills for workplace success as well as continuous needs assessment.  Our combination of internal and external partner facilitators are experienced, knowledgeable and passionate and offer research-based, practical strategies and tools. Click here to see the Course Calendar

  • Skills Upgrading & Educational Opportunities

    When certain criteria is met, employees may be eligible to engage in on-campus and off-campus courses and programs within the parameters of the University’s Educational Opportunities Program.

  • Learning with Diversity and Human Rights

    The office of Diversity and Human Rights provides a range of educational and outreach programs, online modules and departmental consultation on diversity issues to partners from every sector of the University. 

Human Resources Learning

Learning and Development offered through Human Resources fosters individual and organizational effectiveness by developing, offering and promoting an array of high quality and diverse programs in support of the university’s commitment to staff and faculty development. We are dedicated to enhancing the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to perform effectively in your current position and to prepare you for future opportunities.

Community Learning Partners

U of G has engaged in partnership agreements with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) and Pride at Work Canada. Both of these partners offer Staff and Faculty access to valuable resources that support our commitment to fostering a culture of inclusion at U of G. Staff and Faculty have access to: knowledge repositories, webinars, community of practice events and networks to support the work they do. 

Campus Learning Partners

Engage in learning with campus partners including OpenEd offering certificate and diploma programs and courses, the Diversity & Human Rights and Health and Safety Offices providing resources, training and consultative services and finally the Wellness@Work program offering workshops and other educational information and events.

Postdoctoral Scholar Learning & Development Resources:  Visit Resources for Postdoctoral Scholars for further details Click here